Admission Badge
Showing 1–12 of 13 results

Caduceus Badge
The Caduceus Admission Badge grants the Theoricus entry into the Air temple of the Sephirah Yesod in the Outer Order.

Calvary Cross of 10 Squares
The Calvary Cross of Ten Squares is the Admission Badge to the path of Peh in the 4=7 grade of Philosophus in the Outer Order.

Calvary Cross of 12 Squares
The Calvary Cross of 12 Squares is the Admission Badge to the Path of Qoph in the 4=7 grade of Philosophus in the Outer Order.

Fylfot Cross
The Fylfot Cross is the Admission Badge to 1=10 grade of Zelator in the Outer Order.

Greek Cross of Five Squares
The Greek Cross of Five Squares is the Admission Badge to the "Ritual of the Cross and the Four Elements" in the Portal grade.

Hegemon’s Cross Admission Badge
The Hegemon's Cross Badge is a form of the Calvary Cross of Six Squares. It grants the candidate entry into the grade of Philosophus in the Outer Order.

Hiereus Lamen Admission Badge
The Hiereus Lamen Badge is the Admission Badge to the "Rite of the Pentagram and the Five Paths" in the Portal grade.

Pyramid of the Four Elements
The Pyramid of the Four Elements is the Admission Badge for the Twenty-eighth Path of Tzaddi in the 4=7 grade of Philosophus in the Outer Order.

Secrets of a Golden Dawn Temple: The Alchemy and Crafting of Magickal Implements (Used Copy)
This is a rare first edition paperback book, published by Llewellyn in 1992. (It contains all the material that was later published in two volumes: Creating Magical Tools and Ritual Use of Magical Tools.) Very good condition with minimal cover wear. Light penciling on first page. Signed by the Ciceros.

Solar Greek Cross of 13 Squares
The Solar Greek Cross is the Admission Badge to the path of Resh in the 3=8 grade of Practicus in the Outer Order.

Solid Greek Cubical Cross
The Solid Greek Cubical Cross is the Admission Badge for the path of Tau in the 2=9 grade of Theoricus in the Outer Order.

Stolistes Cup Admission Badge
The Stolistes Cup Admission Badge grants the candidate entry into the water temple of the Sephirah Hod in the Outer Order.