The Book of the Concourse of the Watchtowers by Sandra Tabatha Cicero presents a new layer to the Golden Dawn’s Enochian teachings, revealing the set of Watchtower Tablets that Westcott was working on, and exploring the importance of color magic within the order. These Tablets were locked away for decades by the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia before being displayed to the public at the International Golden Dawn Conference in London in 1997. The book begins with a brief and lucid introduction to both Enochian magic in general and the Golden Dawn’s application of it. It goes on to explore the Westcott Tablets in considerable detail, providing both the appropriate colors from the order’s four color scales and the relevant sigils for the Tablet of Union squares. The author provides a complete of color keys and formulae for readers to create their own a set of Westcott Tablets, saving magicians many hours of work. The inclusion of color plates to show the Watchtowers in their full beauty is another valuable addition, as is the author’s provision of a PDF file of these Tablets, Enochian Chess boards, etc. The Book of the Concourse of the Watchtowers contains a number of appendices featuring original documents and materials selected from the private archives of the modern-day HOGD, including Notes on the Color Scales by J. W. Brodie-Innes and Florence Farr, ThAM-level material on Higher Astrology, the Ring and Disk, the LVX Signs, and the Convoluted Forces, and the Golden Dawn’s 6=5 Ritual of the Adeptus Major.”