Complete set of Golden Dawn Officers’ Lamens: A lamen is a symbol worn by an officer in a Golden Dawn temple. Lamens are important tools which help initiates focus on their assigned offices and the godforms they represent. The energy of a lamen is not unlike that of a talisman—built up by the group egregore and consecrated by initiates during numerous Order ceremonies and initiations. The lamens are worn suspended by collars which vary in color, according to the office. This set of Outer Order Lamens is for the following officers: Praemonstrator, Imperator, Cancellarius, Hierophant, Hiereus, Hegemon, Keryx, Stolistes, Dadouchos, Phylax.
Descriptions of the Lamens:
Hierophant: The Hierophant’s Lamen is a synthesis of Tiphareth, to which the Calvary Cross of six squares, forming the cube opened out, is fitly referred. The two colors, red and green, the most active and the most passive, whose conjunction points out the practical application of the knowledge of equilibrium, are symbolic of the reconciliation of the celestial essences of Fire and Water.
Dias Officers (Praemonstrator, Imperator, Cancellarius): These are similar in design to the Lamen of the Hierophant, but hued in the flashing colors of the Sephiroth corresponding to these Officers.
Hiereus: Black and white. A Triangle within a Circle, similar to the Banner of the West, which the Hiereus bears. (For more on its symbolism click here.)
Hegemon: White and Black. The Calvary Cross of Six Squares within a Circle. (For more on its symbolism click here.)
Keryx: Black and white. The Caduceus of Hermes. (For more on its symbolism click here.)
Stolistes: Black and white. The Cup within a circle. (For more on its symbolism click here.)
Dadouchos: Black and white. The Fylfot Cross. (For more on the symbolism of the Fylfot click here.) [Some might find the ancient emblem of the Fylfot Cross, otherwise known as the swastika, to be problematic for obvious reasons. It is highly unfortunate that this millennia-old sacred symbol was misappropriated in the mid-twentieth century by Nazis, racists, and modern extremist political groups for their own corrupt, evil purposes. Such heinous intensions are entirely antithetical to the spiritual ideals of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. For those who might find this symbol too much to take, we suggest a substitution – the Cross Potent Lamen. When ordering the Lamen set, please specify if you want the Cross Potent version.]
Phylax: Black and white. A eye drawn in Egyptian style. It is the all-seeing eye which guards the temple. The “divine eye” of the Egyptians—a hieroglyphic called Wadjet, often called the Eye of Horus, was referred to “He who feeds the sacred Fire or the intelligence of man”…in other words, Osiris. The Egyptians also defined the eye (the circle of the iris with the pupil as its center) as the “sun in the mouth” meaning the creative word. The Phylax can be seen in this light as extending the “word” of Osiris beyond the borders of the temple, through the divine eye.
Construction: wood and decoupage. Includes velcro on the back for attaching to a collar.