Pyramid of the Four Elements


The Pyramid of the Four Elements is the Admission Badge for the Twenty-eighth Path of Tzaddi in the 4=7 grade of Philosophus in the Outer Order.

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The Pyramid of the Four Elements is the Admission Badge for the Twenty-eighth Path of Tzaddi in the 4=7 grade of Philosophus in the Outer Order. On the four triangles are the Hebrew names of the four Elements: Ash—Fire, Maim—Water, Ruach—Air, and Aretz—Earth. On the apex is the word Eth, composed of the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet ta and implying essence or Spirit. The square base represents the material universe and on it is the word Olam meaning “World.”

The word “pyramid” is derived from a root word which means “fire,” signifying that it is the symbolic representation of the one divine flame. A pyramid can easily be likened to the “Mountain of God,” which was believed to stand in the center of the earth. The four sides of the pyramid are triangular to represent the three-fold aspect of the divine enthroned within every aspect of the four-fold universe.

Construction: wood and decoupage.

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Additional information

Weight 0.9 lbs
Dimensions 3.5 × 3.5 × 2.5 in
Finishing Color

Black and White, 4 Winds Attribution, Black and White, Enochian Pyramid Attribution, Violet with Flashing Yellow, 4 Winds Attribution, Violet with Flashing Yellow, Enochian Pyramid Attribution, Elemental Colors, 4 Winds Attribution, Elemental Colors, Enochian Pyramid Attribution