Although the Ciceros are life-long book hoarders, they have concluded that they own too many books! There is no more shelf space. Therefore they are putting a small number of books from their library up for sale. All books are used and sold “as is.” Watch this space for regular updates on available used books.

Secrets of a Golden Dawn Temple: The Alchemy and Crafting of Magickal Implements (Used Copy)

Ritual Use of Magical Tools: The Magician’s Art (Used Copy)

Z-5, Secret Teachings of the Golden Dawn: Book II, The Zelator Ritual 1=10 (Used Copy)

The Middle Pillar: The Balance Between Mind and Magic (Used Copy)

The Essential Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic (Used Copy)

A Garden of Pomegranates: Skrying on the Tree of Life (Used Copy)

The Tree of Life: An Illustrated Study in Magic (Used Copy)