Showing 1–12 of 22 results

Ankh Wand
The ankh is a sacred symbol which alludes to the manifestation of the divine life force. This non-traditional wand can be painted in any color specified.

Caduceus-topped Keryx Wand
The Caduceus-topped Keryx Wand

Cancellarius Wand (The Hexagram Wand)
The hexagram which heads the wand of the Cancellarius is a symbol of perfection, of Tiphareth, and of the two great opposing forces -- Fire and Water, or positive and negative -- in balanced equilibrium.

Crook and Scourge
The Crook and Scourge symbolize the opposing concepts of Mercy and Severity. They are additional implements of the Chief Adept when he or she is in the Godform of Osiris within the Vault of the Adepti. Approx. Size: 24" long, 6" wide, 1" deep.

Crux Ansata
Crux Ansata is Latin for "handle-shaped cross," referring to the ankh.

Golden Dawn Fire Wand
The Fire Wand of the Z. A. M. is used in all magical workings pertaining to the nature of elemental Fire and is under the presidency of the Hebrew letter Yod and of the “Wand of the Tarot.”

Hegemon’s Wand
The Hegemon’s Wand or the miter-headed scepter is the distinctive ensign of the office of Hegemon.

Hierophant’s Wand
The Hierophant’s Wand is symbolically the most important wand in the Neophyte Hall and in all of the halls of the Outer Order.

Mercury Wand (Alternative Chief Adept’s Portal Wand)
Mercury is one of the Three Alchemical Principles and is aligned with Spirit.

Neophyte Sets
Our Neophyte Sets are perfect for beginners who are just starting out on the path of a Golden Dawn Magician. Save money by buying implements in a bundled set.

Outer Wand of Double Power
The Outer Wand of Double Power is a simple wand that is employed in the basic Golden Dawn techniques of invoking and banishing. The white end is used to invoke and the black end is used to banish.

Phoenix Wand (Second Adept’s Wand)
The Phoenix-headed Wand is the implement of the Second Adept who represents the active, fiery masculine principle and the Sephirah of Geburah.