Showing 13–21 of 21 results

The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic by Israel Regardie (Used Copy)
USED COPY: The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic by Israel Regardie. Second Revised Limited Edition, 2003. Number 254, SIGNED by Christopher Hyatt on title page, with printed facsimile of Israel Regardie signature. Great condition.

The Golden Dawn – Llewellyn 6th edition (Used Copy)
USED COPY: The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie. Good condition. Signed by the Ciceros.

The Keryx’s Wand (The Caduceus)
The Caduceus Wand of the Keryx is a most impressive and complex implement. It is the wand of Hermes (also known as Thoth and Mercury), the god of wisdom, magic and communication.
Related Item: Caduceus-Topped Keryx Wand

The Lotus Wand
The Lotus Wand is for general use in magical working. It is the single most important ritual tool that the Adept uses in the Golden Dawn tradition. The Golden Dawn Shop offers the Lotus Wand in two lengths: 28" for the magician's personal use and 32" for the Third Adept's Wand in the Second Order.

The Middle Pillar: The Balance Between Mind and Magic
A new edition of Israel Regardie’s classic text. Edited and annotated by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero

The Middle Pillar: The Balance Between Mind and Magic (Used Copy)
USED COPY: The Middle Pillar by Israel Regardie. Slight scuffing on the cover. Otherwise good condition. Signed by the Ciceros.

The Tree of Life: An Illustrated Study in Magic
A new edition of Israel Regardie’s classic text. Edited and annotated by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero

The Tree of Life: An Illustrated Study in Magic (Used Copy)
USED COPY: The Tree of Life by Israel Regardie. Good condition. Signed by the Ciceros.

Ur-uatchti (Chief Adept’s Wand)
The Ur-uatchti is one of the most powerful and beautiful of all the wands of the Second Order.