Showing 49–60 of 95 results

Phoenix Wand (Second Adept’s Wand)
The Phoenix-headed Wand is the implement of the Second Adept who represents the active, fiery masculine principle and the Sephirah of Geburah.

Portal Officers’ Lamens
A complete set of Officers' Lamens for the Portal Ritual. This ceremony contains a unique blend of First and Second Order Officers: Chief Adept, Second Adept, Third Adept, Hiereus, and Hegemon.

Praemonstrator’s Wand (The Maltese Cross Wand)
The Maltese Cross heads the Praemonstrator's Wand. It is also known as the Cross of Four Triangles and the pyramidal cross.

Pyramid of the Four Elements
The Pyramid of the Four Elements is the Admission Badge for the Twenty-eighth Path of Tzaddi in the 4=7 grade of Philosophus in the Outer Order.

Qabalah Flash Cards: The 32 Paths of Wisdom
Qabalah Flash Cards by Chic and Tabatha Cicero provide Golden Dawn students with an important tool for memorizing the ten Sephiroth and twenty-two letters of the Hebrew Alphabet (collectively called the Thirty-two Paths of Wisdom). These sacred symbols are crucial to the practice of magic in the Western Esoteric Tradition.

Ritual Use of Magical Tools: The Magician’s Art (Used Copy)
RARE OUT-OF-PRINT BOOK: Ritual Use of Magical Tools: The Magician's Art by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero. Slight scuffing on the cover with cover corners slightly damaged. Otherwise good condition. Signed by the authors.

Rose Cross Wand
The Rose Cross Wand is a non-traditional Golden Dawn-style wand created by Chic and Tabatha Cicero and featured in the books Secrets of a Golden Dawn Temple and Creating Magical Tools. It was designed specifically for use in the traditional Rose Cross Ritual of the Second Order.

Secrets of a Golden Dawn Temple: The Alchemy and Crafting of Magickal Implements (Used Copy)
This is a rare first edition paperback book, published by Llewellyn in 1992. (It contains all the material that was later published in two volumes: Creating Magical Tools and Ritual Use of Magical Tools.) Very good condition with minimal cover wear. Light penciling on first page. Signed by the Ciceros.

Small Golden Dawn Water Cup
These are wood, 4.75" high by 2.5" wide. No leather petals are applied--just paint and a finish coat.

Solar Greek Cross of 13 Squares
The Solar Greek Cross is the Admission Badge to the path of Resh in the 3=8 grade of Practicus in the Outer Order.