Showing 85–95 of 95 results

The Pentagram Wand (Chief Adept’s Portal Wand)
The pentagram represents the four elements of nature crowned and united by the fifth—spirit.

The Philosopher’s Stone: Spiritual Alchemy, Psychology, and Ritual Magic
A new edition of Israel Regardie’s classic text. Edited and annotated by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero

The Rainbow Wand
The Outer Wand of Double Power is a simple wand that is employed in the basic Golden Dawn techniques of invoking and banishing. Size: 26"

The Salt Wand (Third Adept’s Portal Wand)
The symbol of salt on the Tree of Life embraces all the Sephiroth except Malkuth, and is as it were, the Reconciler between sulfur and mercury.

The Soul’s Celebration of the Sun: A Ritual Drama
The Soul's Celebration of the Sun: A Ritual Drama (booklet) by Sandra Tabatha Cicero is a ritual presentation of Orpheus’ "Hymn to the Sun," interpreted in the spirit of Marsilio Ficino’s Renaissance mystical dramatizations of the Orphic Hymns.

The Sulfur Wand (Second Adept’s Portal Wand)
The Sulfur-headed wand is the scepter of the Second Adept in the Portal Hall (The Second Degree).

The Tree of Life: An Illustrated Study in Magic
A new edition of Israel Regardie’s classic text. Edited and annotated by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero

The Tree of Life: An Illustrated Study in Magic (Used Copy)
USED COPY: The Tree of Life by Israel Regardie. Good condition. Signed by the Ciceros.

Ur-uatchti (Chief Adept’s Wand)
The Ur-uatchti is one of the most powerful and beautiful of all the wands of the Second Order.